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【Genshin】 Flora Fresh

【Genshin】 Flora Fresh

Genshin Impact commission quest Flora Fresh story line and quest chain rewards.

【Genshin】 Poetry Exchange

【Genshin】 Poetry Exchange

Genshin Impact commission quest Poetry Exchange story line and quest chain rewards to complete the quest without defeating enemies.

【Genshin】 Food Delivery

【Genshin】 Food Delivery

Genshin Impact daily commission quest Food Delivery from Sara story line and quest chain rewards.

【Genshin】 Midsummer Island Adventure Part 1

【Genshin】 Midsummer Island Adventure Part 1

Genshin Impact story quest Mysterious Islands Journey to the Unknown Midsummer Island Adventure Part 1 story line and quest chain rewards.

【Genshin】 Qing Xin

【Genshin】 Qing Xin

Genshin Impact location spot for materials Qingxin, a translucent white flower that only grows on the highest stone peaks.

【Genshin】 Whispers In The Wind

【Genshin】 Whispers In The Wind

Genshin Impact daily commission quest whispers in the wind from Glory request to find three dandelion seeds and how to get dandelion seeds after reached the location spot.

【Genshin】 Grateful to the Gods

【Genshin】 Grateful to the Gods

Genshin Impact daily commission quests Grateful to the Gods,in this post shows you how to clean the statue of the seven at starfell lake by using your main character.

【Genshin】 Marvelous Merchandise Event

【Genshin】 Marvelous Merchandise Event

Genshin Impact Marvelous Merchandise Event during the event travelers can look for Liben the merchant daily commission and give him the required material and get reward from him.

【Genshin】 Quest Leaves On The Wind

【Genshin】 Quest Leaves On The Wind

Genshin Impact daily commission quest leaves on the wind, example for search for 3 spots with wind marks in the tree.

【Genshin】 Cooking Ingredients Location Spot

【Genshin】 Cooking Ingredients Location Spot

Genshin Impact location spot to obtain cooking ingredient, you can found it from plant, ground river or from animal.

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