【Genshin】 Traveler Observation Report
【Genshin】 Traveler Observation Report

Genshin Impact - Traveler Observation Report

Story Quest- Traveler Observation Report

This is a walkthrough article of the Princeps Cretaceous in Genshin Impact, story line and quest strategy to complete the quest of Traveler Observation Report. (Albedo Legend Mission / Traveler Observation Report) Genshin Impact Official Site : https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en

Quest - Story Line

The Rumored Alchemist
The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World
The First Experiment: Elements
The Second Experiment: The World
The Third Experiment: Life
The Final Experiment: Withering Glory

1 - The Rumored Alchemist.

Quest Chain Rewards
  1. Adventure EXP x275.
  2. Mora x17050.
  3. Adventurer’s Experience x8.
  4. Mystic Enhancement Ore x4.
Go to Mondstadt’s alchemy store and talk to Sucrose, after the conversation with Sucrose quest Traveler Observation Report begin.

  • Go to Mondstadt's alchemy store.


  • Head to the entrance of Dragonspine.

After reach you will conversation between Rosaria will begin, after the conversation quest The Rumored Alchemist completed.

2 - The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World.

Quest Chain Rewards

  1. Adventure EXP x375.
  2. Mora x22000.
  3. Hero’s Wit x2.
  4. Mystic Enhancement Ore x5.

  • Use your Elemental Sight to follow Albedo's tracks.

In this quest you need to use your Elemental Sight to follow Albedo’s tracks shows in Step 1, after reach you will need to defeat all the enemies Show in Step 2, after defeat all the enemies you will have a conversation between Albedo and Rosaria after the conversation quest The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World completed

3 - The First Experiment: Elements.

Quest Chain Rewards

  1. Adventure EXP x375.
  2. Mora x22000.
  3. Hero’s Wit x2.
  4. Mystic Enhancement Ore x5.

  • Head to the test site.

  • Defeat the slimes to complete the experiment.

After the conversation with Albedo, you are requested to defeat all the slimes to complete the experiment.

  • Follow the road and search for a Starsilver Catalyst.

After reach you will need to break and obtain 3 of the Starsilver Catalyst.

  • Head for Albedo's campsite.


  • Take the potion from the desk.

  • Drink the potion.

  • Talk to Albedo and hear his conclusion.

After drink the potion, talk to Albedo, after the conversation quest The First Experiment: Elements completed.

4 - The Second Experiment: The World.

Quest Chain Rewards

  1. Adventure EXP x375.
  2. Mora x22000.
  3. Hero’s Wit x2.
  4. Mystic Enhancement Ore x5.

  • Observe the installations in the camp.

You will need to observe 3 things from the camp observe Shelf, Record Board, and Table.

  • Talk to the returning Albedo.

  • Cook some Sunshine Sprat and give it to Albedo.

After talk to Albedo you will obtain Recipe Sunshine Sprat learn it and cook for Albedo, cooking ingredient can obtain from the surrounding try to investigate the surrounding for ingredient Butter, Small Lamp Grass.

  • Use Elemental Sight to look for the lost items.

There are 2 lost items you need to find by using your Elemental sight.

  • Talk to Albedo and hear his conclusion.

After you collect all 2 lost items talk to Albedo, after the conversation quest The Second Experiment: The World completed.

5 - The Third Experiment: Life.

Quest Chain Rewards

  1. Adventure EXP x375.
  2. Mora x22000.
  3. Hero’s Wit x2.
  4. Mystic Enhancement Ore x5.

  • Head to the location of the next experiment.

  • Reach the location that Albedo designated.

You will be given 70 seconds to reach the destination that Albedo designated.

  • Talk to Albedo and hear his conclusion.

After you have reach the destination, talk to Albedo after the conversation quest The Third Experiment: Life completed.

6 - The Final Experiment: Withering Glory.

Quest Chain Rewards
  1. Adventure EXP x475.
  2. Primogem x60.
  3. Mora x27825.
  4. Guide to Ballad x5.
  5. Hero’s Wit x3.
  6. Mystic Enhancement Ore x6.

  • Head to the location of the intelligence test.

  • Solve the nearby mechanism.

The first mechanism touch the SENREI accordingly with some timing shows in Step 1. The second mechanism shows in step 2 and 3.

  • Return to the center and activate the device.

After you have solve the 2 mechanism return to the center and activate the divice.

  • Invetigate the area behind the drain.

  • Return to the compsite and hear Albedo's conclusion.

After you have investigated the area behind the drain Return to the campsite and hear Albedo’s conclusion, after the conversation quest The Final Experiment: Withering Glory completed.
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