【PSO2】 SEGA Account Recovery
【PSO2】 SEGA Account Recovery

PSO2 - SEGA Account Recovery

Step to - Recover your SEGA Account

In this post I will show you how to recover your SEGA ID. Either forgot password or SEGA ID by using registered security question and secirity answer, that is the reason why you have to note down the important part during account registration.

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Go to SEGA Login Page.
Choose from the selection.
Enter the information required.
Check you mail box.
Choose method to recover you password.
Enter the required field.
Reset your SEGA ID password.

1 - Go to SEGA Login Page.

Go to the link provided https://gw.sega.jp/gw/login/ and scroll to the bottom locate and find link SEGA ID・パスワードを忘れた方

2 - Choose from the selection.

After you have click the link, you will be refirected to SEGA ID/ password forgotten page. In this page you will see two selection the first one “SEGA ID再送信” is for forget SEGA ID the second “パスワード再設定” is for forget password, I will be showing you forget password, click for the second “パスワード再設定” button

3 - Enter the information required.

After you click “パスワード再設定” you will be redirected to Reset password page.

  1. your SEGA ID
  2. your Email Address (Email that used to register SEGA ID previously)
  3. Enter the image text can get it from (https://ttiantech.com/others/hiraganakatakana/)
  4. Click “認証メール送信” Button

For “SEGA ID再送信” is almost the same just that you need to enter your Email Address (Email that used to register SEGA ID previously)

4 - Check you mail box.

Click on the link provided in order to reset your password.

5 - Choose method to recover you password.

Choose your method to recover you password. From 認証方法 you will see 氏名(Your name), 生年月日(DateOfBird), 秘密の質問(Secret Question And Answer), I will be selecting 質問(Secret Question And Answer).

6 - Enter the required field.

After you have select one of the method it will require you to fill in the selected method answer. In my case I am selected 質問(Secret Question And Answer). It will display :
  1. Your Secret Question.
  2. Enter Your Secret Question Answer.
After you have enter click 次へ Button

7 - Reset your SEGA ID password.

Enter you new password and you password (Must have (a~z,A~Z,0~9) 2 English character and 1 number above
  1. New Password
  2. New Password Re-enter
  3. Reset Password Button
Your Password has been successfully reset.
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Xiao. tian

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