In this post will shows you the steps on how to insert record into your phpMyAdmin database table by using insert function provided and example of Insert sql statement.
Table of - Content
Import - Database
1 - Open Up Your Database.
First, open up your database by clicking your database name :
Click on the database.
Click on your table that you want to add records to.
2 - Go To Insert Button.
After your have click on the table that your want to insert records, next go to:
Shows the records that have in this table, if don’t have any it will only show table header.
Click on the Insert Button.
3 - Insert Record.
After you have click on the insert button you will see by default having 2 prepared row for you shows in item No. 1 and 2, for item No. 3 for you to add additional rows to insert after increasing or decreasing the rows go to select item No. 4 Go button to add rows, for item No. 5 after you have entered all the rows details click either 1 of the Go button will insert into the table.
4 - Insert Records By SQL Statement.
For using SQL statement, scroll to the bottom if needed, click on the Console button and type in :
INSERT INTO `account` (`id`, `Username`, `password`, `name`, `address`) VALUES (‘25‘, ‘test001‘, ‘testpass‘, ‘test001‘, ‘test address‘);
Orange Color : the column name.
Blue Color : the detail your wan to insert.
to execute just press Ctrl+Enter.