【XAMPP】 Install XAMPP and Wordpress On Local PC
【XAMPP】 Install XAMPP and Wordpress On Local PC

XAMPP - Install XAMPP and WordPress On Local PC

How to - Install XAMPP and WordPress On Local PC

In this post will shows you the step on how to install XAMPP and WordPress on your local computer, after you have installed WordPress on your local PC you may use it in many way such as development site that used for testing or other purpose like testing WordPress plugin, design and so on.

Table - of content

Download and Install XAMPP
Start the program and test your local Server
Install WordPress

1 - Download and Install XAMPP.

  • Download XAMPP.

In order to install WordPress locally, the first step is to download and install the XAMPP software. The Windows installer file can be downloaded from ApacheFriends choose one of the option for your PC. the file size is around 157 MB may increase in future.

  • XAMPP Installation.

After the install is successfully downloaded, double click and launch the XAMPP installer. If your PC having antivirus you may receive a dialog notification just click Yes to proceed.
You might also get a warning dialog about User Account Control(UAC), just click ok button to proceed. After you proceed you will see setup dialog appear just click next.
After you have click next you will prompt to select components to install on XAMPP, to install WordPress the component you need are :
  1. MySQL
  2. PHPMyAdmin
After you have selected all the component you need for installing WordPress next you will prompt to choose folder location to store XAMPP shows in Step 1 next select language and next to uncheck to skip the about Bitnami for XAMPP shows in Step 2, after all the next the installation might take sometimes.

2 - Start the program and test your local Server.

After the installation, next launch the program and start the Apache and MySQL Module shows in step 1, after you have successfully started the module you will see green status shows in step 2.
After everything have successfully installed, to open the local server dashboard go for https://localhost/dashboard/.

3 - Install WordPress.

  • Copy WordPress to htdocs.

First you need to download WordPress from https://wordpress.org/download/ after download unzip and copy to htdocs folder shows in step 1. Example: after I unzip I named it as wordpresstest, after I name it I copy to htdocs shows in step 2.

  • Create Database for your WordPress.

Go to the dashboard under under MySQL row shows in step 1. next click from Database and enter you database name eg : wordpresstestdb and click create shows in step 2.

  • Install WordPress .

After you have created database next go to https://localhost/Foldername eg: https://localhost/wordpresstest/ I have created just now if first time it will redirect you to admin config page, choose language and click continue > next click lets Go.

  • Setup Database.

After you have click lets Go button next you will need to setup your WordPress database shows in step 1
  1. Database Name (Your have created just now)
  2. Username (root)
  3. Password (leave blank)
  4. Submit
ignore the rest, after you have click submit and run installation, next you will prompt to enter your site info shows in step 2 after key in all click for Install WordPress, after you have successfully installed you will see success page shows in step 3.

  • Open your WordPress Site.

Click on the login button from the Success page and enter you username and password to login shows in step 1 to your WordPress site admin page, open local url https://localhost/wordpresstest/ to see your WordPress site shows in step 2.
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