【Windows】Disable Write to USB Storage Device
【Windows】Disable Write to USB Storage Device

Windows - Disable Write to USB Storage Device

How to - Disable Write to USB Storage Device

In this post will shows you how to disable your USB device write, in other words, to lock and prevent any write action to the USB storage devices by using Windows Registry Editor.

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1 - Open up you Windows Registry Editor.

Open up you Windows Registry Editor, after you have open your Registry Editor go to : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control

2 - Create New Key.

Right click on the Control and select New and then Key. Give the new key a name of : StorageDevicePolicies .

3 - Create a Dword.

After StorageDevicePolicies key has been created, next right click on StorageDevicePolicies and select New and then DWORD, and give a name of : WriteProtect.

4 - Set Dword value.

Right click and select Modify or double click on WriteProtect, and set the value from 0 to 1 and press OK.

5 - To Reset.

To reset just need to Delete the key you have created StorageDevicePolicies (Note : Delete Carefully), or set the WriteProtect value from 1 to 0. (To see changes Unplug you USB and Plug in again)
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