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【Batch File】 Modify Command Inside

【Batch File】 Modify Command Inside

A batch file is a plain text file saved with windows command inside with a .bat file format, in this post will show you how to edit or modify windows batch file script that you have created in .bat file format.

【Batch File】 Create Batch File To Shutdown PC

【Batch File】 Create Batch File To Shutdown PC

step on how to create batch file for windows and how to turn off, log off, restart your windows computer by using windows command, and script it into batch file and allow you to execute it.

【Windows】 Enable Clipboard History Windows 10

【Windows】 Enable Clipboard History Windows 10

Step by step to enable clipboard history. Clipboard allow you to store multiple items to clipboard and you can access a history of items you have copied to your clipboard, pin frequently used item, once you have enable you just need to press Windows logo key + V, you can

【Dos】 Trace History Connected Wifi Password

【Dos】 Trace History Connected Wifi Password

Using command prompt to trace history connected wifi password, find wifi password that has been connected before for windows

【Windows】 How To Solve Unidentified Network

【Windows】 How To Solve Unidentified Network

Step by step how to solve unidentified network and step to change network security key after wifi password has been changed and computer still remain the old wifi password.

【Windows】USB SD Does Not Detect Or Not Responding

【Windows】USB SD Does Not Detect Or Not Responding

Step to solve USB Storage Device after plugin, not detected, no reaction or USB not responding but it work fine on other computer devices.

Dos Command

Dos Command

Windows Dos Command with sample image and short description. cd to Change Directories, cd.. to Go back one step, cd\ to Go to parent drive

Disable/Enable automatic maximize while dragging a window

Disable/Enable automatic maximize while dragging a window

Disable/Enable automatic maximize while dragging a window Enable or disable windows 10 multitasking

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